Sun in 7th house
When the Sun is in the 7th house of your birth chart, it tells us a lot about how we get along with other people, especially in close relationships like friendships, partnerships and marriage. Whether you are new to astrology or just curious, this will help you understand more about how the Sun influences your relationships.
Sun in 7th house means you are born during evening time. Generally this is Not Considered a Good Placement. As Sun Sets in during the evening time and Sunlight is not very Strong, So Sun is not very Powerful in this House. It is not one of the Favourite houses where you want this Planet.Â
7th House of Horoscope
7th house of Our Horoscope Mainly deals with Relationship, Marriage, Love and Romance, Partnership, Long distance travel, Relationship with Public etc.Â
Ascendant or Lagna is ourself and 7th house is our Image. It is like our counterpart. Ascendant or Lagna is the Shiva and 7th House is the Shakti.
It is the Sign which indicates how we interact with Outer World or Public. It is also part of Kama Trikona. So it indicates all Kinds of Desires of human Life.Â
Significance of Sun
Sun is the king of the planetary kingdom. It is very hot, dry and represents fire elements. It represents our soul or Atma. That is why it is the natural Atmakaraka. In Hindu Mythology Sun is considered as the son of Aditi and sage Kashyap. That is Why it is Known as Aditya. Being the centre of all life, force and energy, Sun is worshipped as Sun God and is held in high esteem.
It gives honour, recognition, power, authority, Ego, Self Esteem, Pride etc. In modern days it represents Government, Political Power etc.
Result of Sun in 7th House
- As per Indian Council of Astrological Science, Sun has a tendency to Burn the House which it occupies. As 7th house Majorly Indicates Marriage and Relationship, Your Relationship with Your Life Partner can Suffer due to this Placement.
- Sun Generally Gives Beneficial results in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces Signs. If Sun is in 7th house in one of these Signs, It will give You Beneficial Results.
- People with a Strong Sun in the 7th house Gives true concern and Sincerity towards their Relationship. You will have a Serious Approach towards Relationship. Relationship is very Important to Such People and Generally they enjoy a Good Married Life.
- If Sun is well placed in the 7th house, your married life will be outstanding, even your marriage can give you popularity or fame. A Well placed Sun gives a Good Marriage and Success in partnerships and also in any Public Oriented Work.Â
- But People with Sun in the Seventh House generally has a Dominating Tendency. They generally Have a Strong Personality and a tendency to push own opinions on Partner. This can create Ego clash in the Relationship.Â
- If the Sun is in the Seventh House, it means you will find a partner who is very loyal and trustworthy. This is lucky because your partner will be someone who stays by your side through all the ups and downs of life.Â
- Sun in the 7th house can give your partner a Good personality and Good Physical Apperance. Your Future Spouse Apperance will be attarctive and elegant.Â
- You want a Partner that you can be proud of and you want to gain Social Prestige through Marriage. You want to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder.
- A Strong and Well placed Sun in the Seventh house gives a confident, generous , Ambitious and honorable Life Partner. Whereas a Weak and Afflicted sun in 7th house can give egoistic, Arrogant and Selfish Spouse.
- Our Life can be can be Strongly Influenced by people close to them Such as Business Partner and Life Partner.Â
- Sun in 7th house can make us excellent at greeting and meeting new faces. This means that careers where We have to talk to strangers, such as sales and promotional jobs, are well-suited to me.Â
- This will make us capable of taking a Lot of Responsibilities.
- When the Sun is in the Seventh House, people really like and admire you because of Your Personality. You enjoy helping others, but you can get upset if someone doesn’t listen to your advice. You want the best for everyone, but you need to remember that not everyone wants advice all the time.
Auspicious results for Seventh house Sun
If Sun is Exalted in Aries or in own Sign Leo or in a Friendly Signs Like Gemini, Pisces, Saggitarius, it will Give beneficial results. If Sun is with planets Like Jupiter or Mercury or venus, it Gives Good results. If Sun is Vargottama or exalted in Navamsa or in own Navamsa Sign, it becomes Strong and gives good results in Seventh house.Â
- This Placement of Sun in the Seventh Bhava is good for job in Govt Sector. The placement of Jupiter, Moon or Mars in the 2nd bhava along with this placement would be really beneficial for the person and he can Achieve good Success in Govt Job.
- If Sun is strong in 7th house, it will take you to very good height in professional life. It can give you lot of benefit from Government.
- Read : Spouse Profession astrology
- An exalted Sun will make you a good manager because you will have the authority to make people work around you. A good lawyer or a good judge, a good politician is able to gather people. People with this Placement generally prefers to be with People and they have the ability to attract People.
- Our Spouse will be Good Looking, Impressive , Well behaved and will Support husband in adversity.Â
- Sun in 7th house will give you a Loyal and Trustworthy Marriage partner. You will also be Loyal in the Relationship. You can have High expectation from your Spouse. So you may not like a Partner easily but once you find a right Life partner you can dedicate your Life.Â
- Your Spouse can come from a Good Family Background and your Spouse will have Good Financial Status.
- Read: Rich Spouse from Astrology
Inauspicious or Negative Result of Sun in 7th House
Sun will give inauspicious results if it is Debilitated or Afflicted by Malefic Planets Like Saturn , Rahu or Ketu. Moreover Sun is weak in Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius Signs.
- Sun being a separative planet, its placement in 7th house is not good for marital life. It will be more prominent when Sun is further afflicted by Mars or Saturn or Rahu. Even Divorce or Separation is also Possible. It can give Multiple Marriage.
- Read: Yoga for Second Marriage in astrology
- If Sun is Weak in 7th House, it can definitely give you lot of ego and pride. It will not be easy for you to make compromises in life. So it will create Ego clash, Fight etc in the Relationship. It can give constand Conflict between husband and Wife. You can be deprived of Happiness from Spouse.
- It can also Delay the Marriage. So Your Marriage may not fix easily.
- You can be very Short tempered and will have unstable temperament.
- Weak and Afflicted Sun in the 7th Bhava can give trouble or Problem from Govt Authorities.
- Weak Sun in 7th house is not good for Partnership Business as it can give Problems and Differences with Partners.
- It can give Problems from venereal diseases, TB etc to your Spouse.
Sun in 7th house Female Horoscope
When Sun Occupies 7th house in a female horoscope it is more detrimental than Male Horoscope. Female or Girls are Known as Griha Lakshmi in Our Hindu Society or Vedic Culture. They are the main driving force of the Family.
But a female with 7th house sun will become Very much egoistic and she may not be able to take care of her family properly. For them , their Ego or Pride will be more important than the family happiness. So this position makes more harm in female Horoscope in comparison to male horoscope.
If a female has Sun in 7th house, It can create Problem in childbirth. As 7th house is also related to Sex Life , Sun can cause Problem in their Sex Life and child bearing capability.Â
Remedies for Seventh house Sun
The Most effective Remedy for Seventh house Sun is to chant Aditya Hriday Stotra Every Day. Some other Remedies as below.
- Burry a Square Piece of Copper in Earth.Â
- Wear the Gemstone of Sun-Ruby.Â
- Offer Water to Sun God in the Morning.
Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on